Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Israel and America

Urgent prayer for our government here in America.

President Obama has indicated that he will not veto a Palestinian Arab motion in the UN this week which condemns Israel for its settlements on Palestinian occupied land in the West Bank and Jerusalem, thus allowing it to pass.

If this Anti-Israeli motion is passed, President Obama will be the first president to allow this condemnation to go through the Security Council of the UN. The effect of this censure would make all Israeli communities illegal as well as large portions of Eastern Jerusalem. By failing to block such a motion, the US is throwing itself in league with hostile Arab nations which are seeking to undermine Israel's legitimacy as a nation. President Obama is thus signaling his approval of setting the 1967 armistice lines as official borders for Israel, thus forcing this nation to accept this mandated division.

This refusal on President Obama's part will send the US-Israel relations into crisis.

Prayer Points

Ezekiel 35-36: It talks about God's hand against those who come against His land and His people. Pray for a melting of President Obama's heart in this situation. We as a nation need to stand in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people. They have legitimacy as a nation because the LORD GOD validates them. We need to stand with God's heart in this day and hour.

Isaiah 62:6-7: We as watchmen on the walls for Israel, need to go before the throne of grace and not be silent day or night. In the midst of these voices of deception, we must speak the truth. When evil is in front of us, we must do our part on our knees and stop it.

God, we come before You and repent as a nation for not fully standing with Israel. Help us to see the errors of our current actions. Raise up righteous voices to speak Your truth. We cry for MERCY, LORD.
Portions taken from Israel Prayer List

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