Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two speeches in Washington

Prime Minister Netanyahu leaves Thursday night for the United States to deliver a speech before both houses of Congress. Earlier that day, US President Obama has chosen to himself give a speech with a portion devoted to Israel, the Palestinians, and peace talks. According to a draft of the speech obtained by the Israeli paper Yedioth Ahronoth, the speech will demand that the PA recognize Israel as a Jewish state and abandon terror. However, it is also expected to call on Israel to halt all "settlement" activity (the President has repeatedly expressed his conviction that these are illegal), and to move in the direction of returning to the 1967 borders.

We hope that this last will not be verbalized in the President's speech. We must say here that we believe a reversion to those borders to be impossible. Those borders enclosing land claimed by Jordan between 1948 and 1967 included Judea and Samaria and ALL of the historic "Old City" of Jerusalem. Between those years, the Muslim inhabitants, having expelled all the Jews, destroyed over 30 synagogues, desecrated the Jewish holy sites and burial places, nor allowed any Jews access to any of the sites, such as the Western Wall, not to mention the Temple Mount for eighteen years (Forever, had not the war broken out). The present Palestinian leaders have repeatedly expressed their similar intentions of having no Jewish presence in any future Palestinian state. Chillingly, the world, in its coercion of Israel to allow establishment of this state, may be, wittingly or no, participating in reestablishment of a Judenfrei region in the Holy Land (Judenfrei ("free of Jews") was the Nazi term designating an area made and kept free of Jews during The Holocaust. It is also ironic that those Jews presently living in Judea and Samaria, seen by much of the world as "occupiers" of land stolen as "occupiers" of stolen land, are in fact living on land to which they were granted legal right internationally by a resolution made by the Supreme Council of Allied Powers at San Remo Italy on April 25, 1920. The resolution was later ratified unanimously into Law on July 24, 1922 by the League of Nations, laying down legal right for Jewish settlement anywhere in the area between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea (We will write more on this crucial, yet little-known, conference in future Updates, but we would encourage our readers to become acquainted with it by visiting the website of the European Coalition for Israel www.ec4i.org and selecting "San Remo Resources". Another helpful article is a press release to the 90th Anniversary Conference last year http://www.mythsandfacts.org/article_view.asp?articleID=175 ).


*That God will steer Israel through the narrowing straits towards the opening of the General Assembly at the UN on September 19 when the Palestinian leaders have declared their intention of declaring unilaterally a state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. That our leaders will humble themselves and seek God for counsel-or at least receive counsel from one who has sought Him. "For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You" (II Chronicles 20:12).

*That God will inform both President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu in what they are to say in these critical speeches at the end of this week-and that they will hear and respond positively to His promptings.

*That governmental leaders in Washington, especially those present at the joint congressional assembly will weigh the words they hear and respond positively to what is true and of integrity.

*Courage and protection in body, soul and spirit for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara. That they warm to the presence of the Holy Spirit as they are being supported in prayers from around the world.

portions taken from Israel prayer update

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