Friday, September 30, 2011


This is an urgent prayer request. In order for a Palestinian state to come into being, it must get nine votes out of 15 in the Security Council. Secondly the resolution must not be vetoed by any of the five permanent members - the U.S., Britain, France, China and Russia.

The U.S. has declared that it will veto such a resolution if nine or more members vote for a Palestinian state. It will be much better for the U.S. if there are less than nine votes - as the the U.S. would then not have to use its veto - which will further alienate the Arab and Moslem world.

So far, these nations have declared they will vote for a Palestinian state: China, Russia, Brazil, India, Lebanon, South Africa. Now Nigeria and Gabon have just announced they too will vote for a Palestinian state. That makes eight states. The nations that have said they will vote against the UN declaring such a state are the U.S., Britain, France, Germany. That leaves three states: Bosnia, Colombia and Portugal undecided. If the Palestinians can get one of those three to vote for them, they will have the nine votes - a serious blow to the U.S. and Israel, and the Western countries.

When we see these close battles - where one or two votes could change history - we can know there is a fierce battle in the heavenlies. And we are commanded of God to stand in the gap. We can have a part in God's purposes by praying His Will be done. And we know in this issue from hundreds of Bible verses that God has given this land to Israel.

Please pray specifically that Bosnia, Colombia and Portugal will NOT vote for a Palestinian state.

This is not only a serious issue for the West and for Israel. There have been prophetic voices saying that the nations that vote AGAINST ISRAEL will go into deeper economic problems and chaos in their countries. Those who vote FOR ISRAEL will have some economic problems, but will then, by the grace of God, pull out of it.

No one knows when the vote will take place in the Security Council. It could be a matter of days or weeks.

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