Thursday, July 4, 2013

Israel and All Nations

Why does God in His Word speak so frequently, and with such emphasis, about the ownership of this relatively small land?

First and foremost, God is a covenant-keeping God, and He wants the entire world to know it. I believe there is another principle involved, however, which is stated by Moses in Deuteronomy:

"When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided all mankind, He set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel."  Deuteronomy 32:8

God has an allotted dwelling place for each section of the human race. Think about that, God has not left it to chance to determine where each nation shall dwell.

So the question is when He allotted the appointed areas to the nations, what was God's starting point?
Going back to Deuteronomy 32 we see through Moses' words the answer to this question.  It was from the land He had allotted to Israel. First, He chose Israel's inheritance for them; then He allotted the inheritance of the other nations in relationship to that of Israel.

This is confirmed in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul in Acts 17:26:

"From one man he (God) made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."

We see, then, that God has determined not only where the nations shall dwell, but also when they shall dwell there. It is around God's dealings with Israel, however, and the inheritance He has appointed for them, that His dealings with all the other nations revolve. Israel is both the starting point and center.

Let me share an illustration to help bring clarity to this. Suppose you are putting on a three-piece suit with a vest. The vest has five buttons. In buttoning up the vest, you make a mistake so that the top button ends up in the second hole. What will be the result? Problems all the way down! Every other button will likewise end up in the wrong hole, and when you get to the bottom, there will be one button left over without any hole for it.

Now take this simple illustration to the nations on earth. Israel is the first button. If Israel is not in the right "hole," then there will be something wrong with the situation of every other nation on earth.

When we consider God's plan for Israel, we cannot stand aside, as citizens of other lands, and say, "Israel's fate does not concern us." The fact is, the well being of every nation is at stake. Until Israel enters into its full inheritance, the other nations can never enjoy the blessings that God has in store for them also.

All that God is doing in the Middle East has this end in view. Doubtless there will be more suffering and upheavals. In the midst of it all , however, God will continue to work out His eternal purpose, as revealed in His prophetic Word.

FACT: God is at work in the earth and particularly in the Middle East, bringing about the fulfillment of His predetermined plan. Ultimately, the well-being of all other nations is bound up with the fulfillment of God's plan for Israel.

Thank you, Derek Prince for sharing your thoughts with the body of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Israel is know or should be known as the NAVEL or the center of God-given life... for out of her comes for the LIFE, the LIFE SOURCE -- JESUS! He was the WORD of GOD made flesh to dwell among us! Israel to whom pertain, the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of instructions, the service of God and promises of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, CHRIST came; who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen Romans 9:4,5 Yes, all nations are blessed in her and through her. In CHRIST and through CHRIST JESUS! AMEN He is the one and only - truly there is none beside thee OHHHH GOD! May we cry out for the fulfillment of the Scriptures. Truly the Spirit and the Bride say come ... COME LORD JESUS... COME!!!! Pastor Pam Schnelzer, Shiloh Intrusion Ministries
