"Watchful over
My Word to perform it"
(Jeremiah 1:12)
(Jeremiah 1:12)
Almond blossoms
(which in Hebrew have a root also meaning "watchful/diligent")
frame the Temple Mount and Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The blossoms
are the first to open in mid-Winter, and should begin appearing during the new month.
frame the Temple Mount and Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The blossoms
are the first to open in mid-Winter, and should begin appearing during the new month.
"For David. To You, O LORD, I lift my heart. My God, in You I trust. Let me be not shamed, let my enemies not gloat over me. Yes, let all who hope in You be not shamed. Let the treacherous be shamed, empty-handed" (Psalm 25:1-3 -Alter).
Last week Israel's internal security agency Shin Bet released news of having uncovered a massive plot aimed at perpetrating a rash of high-level bombing and shooting attacks in Israel. Directed from al-Qaeda operatives in the Gaza Strip, it involved suicide bombings at the US embassy in Tel Aviv and at the Jerusalem Convention center (the latter involving an additional suicide-truck to arrive and blow up rescue workers after the original detonation); an attack on a bus between Jerusalem and Maale Adumim, with shooting of passengers after the bus was overturned; kidnapping of an Israeli soldier at the Jerusalem Central bus station; and blowing up of a residential building housing Jews in the Abu Tor neighborhood of Jerusalem. The three young recruits who were captured (another is still at large) were from Jerusalem, one a father of four living in the Abu Tor neighborhood mentioned.
We thank God for His merciful protection and watch over Israel. He who watches over her "neither slumbers nor sleeps" (Psalm 121:4).
*Thanksgiving with us for God's uncovering of this plot against His people.
*For angelic protection over all of our borders.
*For the power of Praise to be released in houses of prayer throughout the capital. God "is enthroned on the praises of Israel!" (Psalm 22:3), and high praise releases angelic armies.
A house of prayer was recently established on the border of the neighborhood from which one of the terrorists was arrested.
* Psalm 8:2-"Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger."
As mentioned in a recent Prayer Update, we take very seriously the awakening role of believing children in affecting the spiritual atmosphere in Israel. One house of prayer in Jerusalem is currently developing a weekly watch of 4-13-year-olds-who worship and praise (with their own band) and pray for sick who are invited to come to their watch. For a raising up of "childrens' watches" in houses of prayer about the country, whose ministering to God in Spirit and in truth will help to "silence the enemy and the avenger!"
portions taken from Israel prayer list
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