Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Prayer for forming of Israel's Government

Last Tuesday saw the swearing-in of Israel's new government, the 20th Knesset. Of the 120 members making up the body, 39 (almost 1/3rd) were first-time legislators.

PLEASE PRAY: *That this will be a government characterized by integrity, wisdom and justice. Righteousness exalts a nation (Prov. 14:34). 

*Pray that Knesset members will come under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit of the God of this Land, Who has allowed them to rise to their positions of responsibility.

 *That there will be those who come to experience the righteousness which is imparted in a knowledge of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua (II Cor. 5:21).

Prime Minister Netanyahu is well into the 28 days he is granted to form a coalition. 

 That 28 days ends on April 22nd (the eve of Israel's Independence Day). If he has not formed it by that time, he may request of President Rivlin another 14 days, although the President is under no obligation to grant it. Thus far, negotiations with representatives of the different parties who are willing to be part of the government have been stormy, as each demands guarantees of special ministry portfolios for their particular party along with other assurances. Some have speculated that if Netanyahu is unable to cobble together a coalition with the very right-wing parties he is presently working with, he may feel forced to reach over to the Opposition for the possibility of forming a Unity Government-especially in light of the growing threat the whole nation is experiencing from Iran. 

 PLEASE PRAY: *For Netanyahu to be humble before his God-that he ask for and be sensitive to divine wisdom in the formation of his government.

 *Pray that God will place into position the government which will be capable of addressing and accomplishing His priorities for Israel during this coming season. 

 *Pray against the enemy entrenching any parties into positions which would impede the work of the Lord in releasing revelation to His people.

Israel has voiced strong opposition to the "framework" nuclear deal with Iran arrived at by the "P5+1" world powers last Thursday.

 It is seen here as being, if anything, worse than that outlined by Mr. Netanyahu in his speech before the US Congress last month. This week President Obama made conciliatory remarks towards Israel, stating that he has found it personally difficult to hear expressions that his administration hasn't done everything it could for Israel's interest-that he would consider it a "fundamental failure of his presidency" if on his watch, it were to be shown that Israel had been rendered more vulnerable. He emphasized his willingness to make commitments to give Iran and other Middle Eastern nations "a clarity that if Israel were to be attacked by any state.we (i.e. the U.S.) would stand by them." (1)

Of course, a problem with this assurance is that "if Israel were to be attacked" by a nation with nuclear weapons, it could by then be too late to "stand by them." Nor might Israel be blamed for skepticism about the deal when last week, even while it was in its final stages of being rounded out, militia chief Mohammad Reza Naqdi of Iran's Revolutionary Guards made the statement that "erasing Israel off the Map" is "nonnegotiable." (2) 

 And on Sunday the Telegraph reported that Iran has stepped-up its support of Hamas operatives in Gaza, transferring tens of millions of dollars for the purpose of rebuilding tunnels and restocking missile arsenals destroyed by Israel last summer during Operation Protective Edge. (3)

PLEASE PRAY: *That Israel will be given divine guidance in her response to the growing Iranian threat, in light of the recent framework deal arrived at by the nations

. *That God will bring Israel to a place where she sees that her physical security is not ultimately dependent upon any nation or alliance of nations, but upon Him alone.

1. "Obama: Weakened Israel would be 'failure' for my presidency": Times of Israel; 6 April 2015, 0132.

2. "Iran militia chief: Destroying Israel is 'nonnegotiable': JPOST.com, 31 March 2015, 4:03.

3. "Report: Iran transfers millions to Hamas for reconstruction of tunnels": JPOST.com, 5 April 2015, 16:31.

Portions taken from Israel Prayer list

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