Monday, August 1, 2011

Hebrew Month of Av

"Then Aaron the priest went up to Mount Hor at the command of the LORD, and died there in the fortieth year after the children of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt, on the first day of the fifth month [i.e. 1st of Av]. Aaron was one hundred and twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor."


Today, Monday August 1st is Rosh Hodesh, the "head" of the Fifth Month in the Hebrew Biblical calendar. Since the return from Captivity in Babylon, the month has been called by the Babylonian name, Av.

This day is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (see above) as that of the death of Aaron the High Priest. Aaron had not been without serious failings-in the incident of the golden calf, with his brother Moses in the striking of the rock when God had commanded to speak to it. But he had also fallen on his face with Moses in intercession to God when they sinned, and he had for decades "borne iniquity" (Numbers 18:1) as he went about his duties in the Tabernacle on behalf of all of the people. Now his mantle had been passed on to the next generation.who would likewise be fallible, who would also one day die. This passing of the first High Priest, from whom the "Aaronic" priesthood would take its name reminds us of a "greater" priesthood, that of Malki-tzedek (King of Righteousness), and the greater Priest of that order who would take Aaron's place as an intercessor between the Father and all Humankind.

"There were many priests, because they were prevented by death from continuing. But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 8:23-25).

Av in Hebrew means "father". Although the name as used for a particular month was of Babylonian origin, it happens to bear the same spelling and pronunciation as the Hebrew word. As we pray over our land and people at the beginning of this new month, we recall a verse from last week's Haftarah portion, Jeremiah 3:4: "Will you not from this time cry to Me, 'My Father, You are the guide of my youth?' And as we continue through this season during which Darkness has repeatedly sought to take occasion for evil against the covenant land and people, we find it a time for especial watchfulness over Israel and Jews throughout the world, holding them up before the "Father of Lights" (James 1:17).

In a rare coincidence, it happens this year that the Muslim fast month of Ramadan also begins on this day. "Ramadan" comes from an Arabic root related to "intense heat, scorched ground and shortness of rations." During the month, Muslims are forbidden from eating or drinking between sunup and sundown. Tens of thousands will attend meetings on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem over the course of this month.


*For the Body of Messiah in Israel to come into a deeper awareness of the work of Yeshua (Jesus) as our High Priest. Last year the Bible Society in Israel released a small booklet containing an annotated Hebrew language printing of the Book of Hebrews. Please pray that this wonderful Book centered on the Priesthood of Messiah, written specifically to First Century Messianic Jews, would be rediscovered by Israeli Jews in the 20th Century!

*For an awakened longing for Fatherhood in Israel-for an awareness that the God of Israel's "fathers"-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-is in fact, the One from whom all fatherhood gets its name (Ephesians 3:14-15). That Yeshua the Messiah has opened a way to bring us as fellow sons and daughters to His Father!

*For dreams and visions during the month called by Muslims Ramadan to reveal the true nature of the God in Heaven. Over the inside doorways of the buildings on the Temple Mount are inscribed a quotation from the Muslim holy book, to the effect that "Allah is great and has no son". Pray for revelation that El Elyon, the Most High God does have a Son, the knowledge of whom frees us from bondage and dead works, and brings us near to the Father.

*For protection in Israel from demonic power released from millions fasting before a God of a different covenant (Most Muslims are taught to believe that the person Abraham was told to sacrifice was Ishmael, not Isaac). Pray that the Body of Messiah in Israel and Jerusalem will be unified and anointed throughout the month in its praise to the One True God, in the name of Yeshua His son. That rather than resorting to a defensive stance, the Body move forward in Her praise and worship this month, in spirit and in truth. That she take territory and defeat the enemy by the Word of her testimony, the Blood of the Lamb, and that she love not her own life even unto death! That many be brought out of the wilderness into Life!

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