Tuesday, August 2, 2011



For months Israel has watched as revolutionary waves of demonstrations and protests dubbed "Arab Spring" have rolled over the territories of her Middle Eastern neighbors. Yet, nothing similar seemed to be taking hold here. Now, in a strange way, with almost "no clues or signs beforehand", the past week has found Israel bursting forth in various kinds of protests, strikes and demonstrations. There were strikes and demonstrations by doctors and medical workers, homosexuals, people protesting the high prices of raising families (with hundreds and hundreds pushing baby-carriers), and on Saturday some 150,000 took part in demonstrations, with tent-cities being erected in many cities to draw attention to the frightfully high costs of buying or even renting homes throughout Israel. Monday many municipalities declared a one-day strike in sympathy with the protestors. The Prime Minister has called a round-table of leaders to try and find measures which would calm the protests and address the issues.

From the outside, Israel's economy is seen as presently being in a very good place, and unemployment is at the lowest in almost 25 years. Nor for some time now, has Israel been subjected to sustained violent conflict on any of her borders. Yet there is no question that the issues being protested against are very real. The cost of housing has indeed risen to unprecedented heights. Everywhere there seem to be new "luxury" apartments going up.yet all of these are far beyond the means of most Israelis. Most seem to be being bought up by foreign investors. Rental property has also continued to soar. Many Israeli families, even where both spouses work, are finding their paychecks gobbled up by rent-costs, leaving precious little to live on and raise their families. As one student union president said, when granted with others an audience with President Shimon Peres, "What we all here have in common is that ultimately we want to see Israel as our home. We are fighting for the right to build a future for ourselves in Israel."

There is no question that something must be done. But worthy solutions cannot be provided overnight. We are grateful that as of yet, there haven't been extremely serious confrontations or violence in these protests. Yet something is making us uneasy. We are seeing the left-wing media capitalizing on the unrest as a means for steering accusation and blame in the direction of our Prime Minister, casting doubt about his capability to cope with the crisis, in fact insinuating that it is his incompetence which has brought it about in the first place. And along with those many concerned voices very worthily seeking to make themselves heard, there are others taking occasion to comingle that concern with anger which may be ignited into full-blown rage against authority in general. In the timing and volatile nature of the present uprisings, we sense a spiritual agenda at work to weaken, if not bring down, the present government so as to leave Israel unprepared for a much more serious crisis which is coming. We sense approaching storms just over the horizon.storms which will require a strong united leadership if Israel is to withstand. It is our belief that the Lord placed Benjamin Netanyahu into his present position as Prime Minister, and it is the Lord who has enabled his coalition, against all odds, to endure this far. We do not believe it is because of an abundance of innate heroic qualities in Mr. Netanyahu (opposite ones have certainly surfaced in the past); we do believe him now to be a man whom the Lord has found whom He is able to make to stand.


*For God to have mercy on those He has brought back to live in His covenant land, enabling them to work and prosper with their families in the Land (Psalm 118:25).

*For spirits assigned to awaken lawlessness and rage within the current uprisings to be bound. For men and women of integrity to rise to the surface among those demonstrating for a change.

*For wisdom and honesty and courage in the present administration in being able to effect changes which will bring real viable solutions to the housing and cost of living crises in Israel.

*That Israel will have and maintain strong leadership in her government and military going into the fall.

*For Prime Minister Netanyahu, that his mind and integrity be preserved and strengthened. That he look to God for His strength and preservation, that he have grace to remain in office until He has fulfilled all appointed for him in being divinely placed in that positioning.

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