Monday, November 7, 2011

Former Rains

Israel, both the people and the land, rejoiced this week as rains finally began to descend over the region. In Israel the "Former Rains" begin in the fall (on the last day of the Sukkot celebration there are special prayers for rain), and the "Latter Rains" normally arrive with the Passover season in the spring. Then it stops. From mid-May to mid-October it is rare to receive rain anywhere in the middle-East. After a few short showers just before Rosh Hashanah, we have received virtually nothing at all until now. Then Friday night it began to thunder, and by the next morning they rains had come! By Saturday evening the Sea of Galilee had risen a half-centimeter and snow had fallen on Mount Hermon. After these long six months the hills around Jerusalem are still brown-but today we noticed little pink squills opening up in the dry grass on "Bible Hill" near the Begin Center on Hebron Road; we are so very thankful! Last year the Former Rains were practically nonexistent, continuing drought conditions which had already existed for several years. Praise the Lord, His Mercies endure forever!


*That the former and latter rains will be substantial in Israel this year. That there will be snows on Mount Hermon and that the Sea of Galilee and the underground aquifers would be refilled. *We also continue to pray Isaiah 41:17-20.that as Israel acknowledges her need of water, it would be provided in unexpected places that we"may see and know, and consider and understand together, that the hand of the LORD has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it."

portions taken from Israel Prayer list

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