Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Will Israel Attack Iran?"

Speculation in the media as to whether Israel is planning a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities is certainly nothing new; in fact, it has come to be expected that about twice a year there will be reports that such an attack is eminent. This past week there has been a new wave of such speculation, as the International Atomic Energy Agency is expected in a few days to announce evidence that Iran is in fact within the last, critical stages of developing an atomic weapon (Recent satellite photos reveal a huge steel container at a military base about 30 kilometers from Tehran capable of serving as a testing chamber for carrying out experiments with detonators and other explosives related to nuclear weapons). This week newspapers carried reports supposedly leaked from high-level sources, indicating that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are engaged in serious preparations for launching an attack. Friday Israeli President Peres voiced his belief that Israel and the world are approaching a military option, and the same day saw a senior US military official stating that the US is "absolutely" concerned about the possibility that such an Israeli attack may soon take place without prior consultation with the US. The Russian Foreign Minister, whose country is the nearest thing to a major power ally Iran has, warned that there is "no military solution to the Iranian nuclear problem", and any strike on Iran will result in soured ties between the West and Russia. And Iran responded to the rumors by vowing that "before being able to take any action against Iran, the Israelis will feel our wrath in Tel Aviv."

How much is mere speculation, how much information purposely and strategically released to the media in ways calculated to disguise the true state of circumstances we can't be sure. What seems certain to Israel is that the nation of Iran has accelerated its program to develop a nuclear weapon along with the means necessary for delivering it (It has been known for some time that Iran has obtained key components for such a weapon from North Korea). And Iran's leaders continue to voice not only threats but rhetoric appearing to reflect actual intentions of having a part in causing what it calls "the Zionist Entity" to cease to exist.


*That Israel will move in the timings and purposes of God regarding a response to the threats coming against her from Iran. "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.a time for war, a time for peace" (Ecclesiastes 3:1,8b).

* That the Lord would "Scatter the peoples who delight in war" (Psalm 68:30b).

*That Israel's leaders will look to the LORD as our rock, who trains our hand for war and our fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1). That they will realize, with David, that "the battle is the LORD's" (I Samuel 17:47). During the flight of the jets which destroyed Sadam Hussein's Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981, Prime Minister Menachem Begin spent the entire time pacing back and forth alone, deep in prayer.

*That the God of Abraham will be a shield around Israel (Genesis 15:1), that she will look to Him to protect her from fear of the "terror of the night, from the arrows that fly by day" (Psalm 91:5).

*That Believers in Israel will not be distracted from dwelling in the "secret place of Elyon (the Most High), abiding under the shadow of Shaddai (the Almighty)"-and that their faithfulness in this will draw others to desire to do likewise!

*That God would protect His remnant in Iran-from denying their faith in the times of persecution, and from destruction should war break out.

*That the godless leaders tyrannizing the people of Iran and cursing Israel would be replaced; that the bondage of a religion set against the covenant purposes of the Most High God would be broken.

*That revelation would be released among the masses of that enormous land that the God of Israel is a God of Love, and that He has sent a Saviour to free all Humankind from the bondage of sin and despair.

portions taken from Israel Prayer list

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