Thursday, August 4, 2011


Continual bad press demonizing Israel in today’s media has left many Christians confused about supporting Israel, leaving some wondering if blessing Israel is still in keeping with Scripture.
Further in this blog I will share how churches and Christian denominations are boycotting Israel, but first let’s look at Scripture that tell us to bless Israel.

As Believers our thoughts and actions should be solidly founded in the Word of God.

Honoring the promises
“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:2-3

The Bible reveals a simple equation: those who bless Israel will themselves be blessed.

What’s more, God takes it personally when nations seek to harm Israel:

“... he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” (Zechariah 2: 8)

In a recent New York Times article, Ahmad Tibi, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset,
called upon the world to boycott Israeli companies.
Who is Ahmad Tibi? He is an Arab Israeli, who was elected by other Israelis to
sit in the Israeli parliament (Knesset).

Many Christians falsely think that Israel is a country with only Jewish citizens. Did you know that the Israeli Knesset is a democratic governmental body made up of both Jews and Arabs?

Tibi, who is the leader of Ta’al (the Arab Movement for Renewal), is stirring up pressure in countries outside of Israel, to force Israel to end the “Israeli occupation” and implement the right of return for Palestinian refugees from 1948.

Can you imagine a member of your democratic government, inciting the world
to boycott business in your own country?

While other peoples have always lived in the land known today as Israel, the nation
and borders of Israel promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the
Jewish people) were spoken of in the Bible and created by an act of God alone.

This fact in and of itself is reason enough to support Israel.

The Land of Israel was one of three covenantal promises made to the Jewish people by God, a covenant which can’t be broken by man.

You can read about that Royal Deed to the Promised Land in Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-18,15:1-21, 17:4-8, 22:15-18, 26:1-5 and Psalm 89:28-37.

Israel is an extremely diverse and vibrant democracy—the only established one
in the Middle East where both Jews and Arab have the same rights and work together
to build the nation.

It was the Jewish people that allowed Arabs to have full rights as citizens with them in 1948, as the Jewish people were given their own Jewish state to call home.

For 1900 years previous to this, the Jewish people did not have a home and were treated as second class citizens in the countries they lived.

After the Holocaust in which half of the world’s Jewish population were destroyed by Hitler,the Jewish people returned enmasse to Israel, which at the time was under British control. On May 14, 1948, the UN voted that Israel would be the Jewish Homeland.

Today, Haifa, Israel’s third largest city, is a shining example of Israel’s success. Here both Jews and Arabs work together to create a thriving metropolis that plays an important role in Israel’s economy.

But that’s what Israel is really about.

It’s made up of Jewish and Arab cities and villages that live side by side. You can drive down most highways and see an Arab town and then two minutes later a Jewish town.

Did you know that Christian denominations such as the Presbyterian and
Methodist churches have been asking their millions of congregants to boycott Israel for a number of years?

Despite the reasons to bless Israel, many church organizations and denominations encourage hatred against Israel, asking their members to sanction and boycott the Holy Land.

Christian groups such as the Dutch Interchurch Organization and the Irish Catholic group Troicare, both funded by the EU government, drive such divestment campaigns against Israel.

This year the United Church of Canada voted to boycott six companies (Caterpillar,
Motorola, Ahava, Veolia, Elbit Systems and Chapters/ Indigo).

Last year the Methodist Church of Britain voted to boycott products manufactured in
Judea and Samaria.

And read these numbers: The World Council of Churches, representing
560 million Christians, has also called for a boycott of Israel-made products.

Shame on these Ecumenical churches for standing against the Promises of the God of Israel,the Creator of the world.

Imagine that if the city where you live had missiles pointing at it, and terrorists and suicide bombers trying to cross into your city to kill your family and neighbors?

Well the people who live in Israel have to endure that every day.

Missiles are fired, suicide bombers blow themselves up, and innocent Jewish people are killed. They have democracy, but do not have peace.

Christians should support Israel because it is the only true friend in the Middle East to the United States and other democracies in the world.

Israel has been an important roadblock to terrorism and strategic ally of the U.S.

Today, many American Christians are alarmed that the U.S. support of Israel seems to be diminishing.
They recognize that the U.S. pressure that Israel give up Land for Peace is not a solution, but a problem.

Some Christians correlate the dates when U.S. presidents have publicly insisted that Israel give up Land to the Palestinians with the same dates that “natural disasters” have taken place in the United States. These Christians believe judgment on the U.S. has already begun.

However, just as the Jewish Prophet Jonah went to Nineveh to warn the people to repent, it is never too late to stem the tide of worldwide anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism (anti-Zionism)and begin to bless Israel in words and action.

Debt of Gratitude
“…For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” Romans 15: 25-27

Christian Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are partakers of a covenant and promises
given to Israel and as such owe Israel a debt of gratitude.

As John 4: 22 states: “Salvation is from the Jews.”

The Faithfulness of God
The final reason we offer for standing with Israel is the faithfulness of God.

Romans 11: 28-29 states that the Jewish people, “…are loved on account of the
patriarchs, for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.”

The good news is that God’s Word never changes.

This is something in which we can trust: God is as faithful today to Israel as He was yesterday, and He still blesses those who bless Israel!

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