Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It has been a week of turbulence with Egypt to Israel's south and Turkey to her north: menacing threats by Turkey's Prime Minister, which, if carried out, would lead to certain war; a violent assault (technically an 'act of war') by Egyptian citizens on the Israeli embassy in Cairo. Suddenly, within two weeks Israel has no ambassador present in either of these countries; one driven out from a state with which she has had a peace treaty for over 30 years, the other dismissed from a nation which for most of Israel's existence has been deemed her close ally and friend.

Within a stormy chapter of battles both ancient and future also involving nations to the north and south of the "Glorious Land", like an eye in the midst of the storm stands Daniel 11:32: "But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many." This lies in harmony with portions of Psalm 27, which many Jews are reading repeatedly from the beginning of this month through the Feast of Tabernacles, "The LORD is my light and my salvation.the strength of my life, Of whom shall I be afraid?.Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord.Hope in the LORD, BE STRONG! He will make your heart courageous! Wait in Hope for the LORD!"



*Against anarchy engulfing Egypt-for favor for those voices in the current military government which truly desire to retain peaceful relations with Israel.

*Against the "spirit breathing out cruel violence" against Israel which has captured the imagination of many Egyptians. We have been told that much of this hatred has its roots in the horrors experienced when Egypt came against Israel in war (1948, '56, '67, '73). Pray for a path to open for Egyptians to be healed and restored from this trauma and bitterness which continues to be passed on.

*For the true Church, the Body of Messiah in Egypt. We have spoken personally with those who are involved in massive congregations of believers there-and with others who are raising up houses of prayer. We hear reports of a supernatural love for Israel growing amongst believers in Egypt. Pray for courage, new revelation, supernatural signs and wonders in the name of the Holy One. For vision and prophetic words of encouragement and strategic guidance. Pray for the Spirit to be poured out in evangelism, that many come into the Faith and be nurtured in Truth.

*That bonds which have begun to be made between Messianic Jewish believers in Israel and Christian Egyptians will be strengthened.

*Deuteronomy 23:7. "You shall not abhor an Egyptian, because you were an alien in his land." (From last week's Torah Portion).that Jewish believers will take these words to heart, and not allow a root of bitterness towards Egypt as a nation to enter in, even should that nation become more alienated and hostile towards Israel.

*Guidance for Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israeli government in seeking to maintain peaceful relations with Egypt. Pray that diplomatic relations be restored and that the treaty holds.


*For the Believing community in Turkey to grow and be strengthened.

*Anointing for discernment and strategic intercession amongst the Body there.

*That as darkness gathers, more holy houses of prayer and worship will be established as points of light throughout that land.

*For Truth to cut through the lies about Israel with which the Turkish media has saturated its citizens.

*That the "wells" of God's Presence which watered the 7 Churches in Asia (i.e. present-day Turkey) be re-opened in these last days.that Turkish and Kurdish Believers will come to the Lord, and have revelation and understanding about Israel.

*That relations between Israel and Turkey will be restored.wisdom for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Lieberman to move in wisdom, integrity, watchfulness and uprightness.

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